MindHealth – Raja Yoga 28 Hrs Further Training Course

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Week 1 – Your Miracle Morning Routine


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Are You Ready For Change?

If you are tired of feeling like you are going around in circles? not making any progress? feeling anxious? not believing in yourself despite that ever-increasing feeling deep inside you, which knows you have so much more to give, do, and become. Well, it’s not a coincidence that you felt drawn to this course, and I have some good news for you, you are in the right place.

Listen to this short video to learn more about this journey of personal and spiritual development we are about to embark upon together.

Video Transcript

Hello, hello, and welcome to your mind programme. Say my name is Cheryl Wimperis, and I will be your guide for the whole programme together. If you are just looking at this preview. There is a reason why you’ve been drawn to this programme. This is an amazing way to nurture yourself and your own growth and understanding of how we work. It is really, on an internal level, meaningful mind and energy. Sometimes when we look at this programme, we feel stuck. We feel overwhelmed. We feel like we just have to stop doubting ourselves, because we have this feeling inside that we can achieve so much more than that. There’s so much more inside that wants to come out. I was a professional ballerina, I’ve always worked with energy with my body, and I was always interested. Impassable development, so my path just brought me to yoga, because it’s a natural blending of the two am, and I designed this programme. I designed this programme affordances because I knew that within the dental industry and all the dances I was teaching. There was this massive component of personal development missing, and that was the only thing holding them back, because they didn’t realise how to hold them back. No change and rewire their thinking habits into a space. Like say, the mind is much more of a positive environment that supports and empowers them, which allows them to organise their thinking so that life becomes much easier, less stressful, more manageable when the company moves forward and progresses, and progresses. As I am sure there are more and more people, I realise how useful these tools were for everyone regardless. If you age, your background, and what career you’re in, they are timeless practises embedded into my yoga practice. But this is the more mindful side of yoga, so this is nurturing our mind-space. This is ray, protecting our energy, protecting your mind, organising our mind, so if you would like to learn how to rewire your negative thinking habits, like for good. To understand what’s going on in our mind, what’s going on with that at different energies. Why do we feel pulled and stretched or stagnant and not moving forward? What is holding us back? We will go through the process of rarely picking all that. While I always compare this to golfing. I love gardening, so you know if you’ve got a garden not been looked after. You need to start some way. You know this is often. A mind is like the chaos in our mind with. We don’t give ourselves the space to listen to our needs, listen to our energy and inner guidance, so that we can move forward towards our vision towards a higher self. Without this understanding of this structure, it is just a mess. It’s chaos, and this is why we end up with things like anxiety and depression, feeling lost, feeling stagnant, just not like. Why is the point where am I going? Why do other people like running forward, and I’m just still here? What’s holding me back so
3:25 first, and this is a process failure that lives at prices that we go through, so over five weeks in the first four weeks already, and immersion into your own personal development. So this is it. I’ve created a pathway that will guide you on with tools that will be implemented every day into your daily activities, so this isn’t a sit down and write for hours. Learning and study programme. This is about being an observer and creating changes for myself. This is Airy. This is practical. It’s not even very practical. It is practical, Sir. This is about ourselves, our journey, our energy moving ourselves forward in the most authentic way, so we can stand in our power, so it can bring back our power and raise us on to love who we are. I’m a ready starter. I understand who we are all so the first week, so I’m one of the non-negotiable around this process is that we will meditate. If you haven’t meditated, don’t worry yet you. I have created lots of guided meditation so you can just plug in or sit back. Listen and have a nice open space, and just follow and follow my voice. Follow guided meditation. It’s soothing, relaxed. things, and you will absorb the information. You will absorb what you need to do for the rest of the day. We’re already starting to tune into ourselves differently through meditation. So don’t worry if you’ve never meditated. This is made for beginners. This is also made so you know that people are a bit more advanced. You know I will guide you the whole. Otherwise, we have nothing to worry about, so in week one weekend, love and we’re going to create what’s called the miracle morning, so this is a game. Wandering yourself, taking time out for yourself every morning before you do anything else, and it will only take half an hour of your time. This is something that we’re going to create a new meditation practice, and we’re going to stop. I’m just calming the mind, learning how to calm the mind so that we can think clearly. They said we could start to feel was coming up, so it could feel was what wanted to come out of his, and then make up over the days later, a new exercise. And to say that we’ve built up a nice half hour of practice that honest labour resets your energy and refocuses you for the day. This will help you towards your goals over time, the following weeks, and this is just setting up a commitment to myself that we want to change and we want to stop
6:05 and creating a better space within our minds, so we will be doing things like understanding our abundance and lack of mindset.
6:13 And at how to tap into your gratitude practice to unlock energy to unlock a more positive state of being and understand the frequency more, so I’m going to set you small. It will test how we thread together each day, and you can take this route your day, just to help raise your vibration, lift your energy and start looking in a more positive direction. And this is all about Europe. Plasticity. Saying what we are doing slowly changes our mind. You find yourself, you know, with negative environment, negative surroundings, negative thinking patterns going on in your head. Oh, I can’t possibly do that. I’m not good enough for this. Oh, I could never do that. I’m just stuck. It’s it’s it’s this constant. It’s not that your record player might repeat the same loop over and over again in your head, but you’re gonna start to change those loops. The first week is about creating what’s called your own miracle, warning of the second wait. I just got a few,” I said. The second week is what we call the limitations, which will look at, the things holding us back, that limit beliefs, the belief systems where that’s coming from, how to read, write, and our thinking habits. How to work with neuroplasticity to help space up here. Our mindscape becomes a much more positive and self-empowering space for us, and then we’ll understand values and visions, and how to support that and relate. Find out what you truly want, and this could be big. This could be it. It could be about having a bathtub healthy routine and your day, or something much bigger, like starting a business. It’s a completely led find game, but it’s just understanding what wants to come out of you and how do we activate all that. So the next week, we four were looking at taking aligned action. Once we understand, it has calmed my mind on how to rewire all the limiting beliefs on how to. We understand our own core values and vision, and how to step into this. You have to create in your mind before we create in reality, and then have to take aligned action to move us forward towards what we want to create with our lives. And then this fifth week there last week was about you now living these practises, and I’ve given you a few. Things to prepare yourself for, because we will be challenged once we have up level. Once we’ve raised that energy, we raise our vibration to match the things that we want to achieve in our lives if we vibrate down here, but we want something. Okay. We’ve got to change our vibration to match what we want to draw from, so we will be challenged along the way, but you have the tools. You know, we will be tested, because it’s just the way the universe works to support our growth. You know, without any stretch, without any challenge, there is no capacity to grow. Say
9:20 This is five weeks now, alongside all that. You’ll get Journo to help your journal. We’ll process and journal your thoughts, and also follow questions are created. This will help you dig deeper into the process. If you understand yourself? And there was audio available, said affirmation orders they could use to like tune the mind into a positive place. There are lots of meditations. Because this is a meditation programme, and the bonus material is like they’re a yoga flow this movement, as well as nutrition in there. If you do, I just wanted to see how you know how to improve your breakfast. Let’s say you know a little bit, because it is a little part of the wheel. You know the healthy lifestyle. I’ve just given you a few little things to look at. “It’s that you don’t have to look at it, but it’s all there for you and accountability,” said. There’s a Facebook Accountability group, which you can jump into everyday. Like uploading your thoughts again. There are lots of prompts to help you with this. You don’t have to use it. But it’s there for you. It. It’s nice to be surrounded by people on a similar journey to the year, and it’s incredible when you realise you are not. On your own, and the things that you are probably struggling with right now, we have all been that you know we’ve all been there. Where’s all that currently? Because this is an ongoing process, personal development never ever reaches its end point. We’re constantly growing, constantly working through challenges, constantly leaning into the tool’s even more room, and of course there is one to one
10:54 coaching available, say we have a session together wherever you review your process. And we just reflect on the week, and look at moving forwards and how valuable your gang on-site is. Contact time to review everything, and we do this in such a way that ready night helps us meet our energy. Help is being in tune with ourselves, so this is practical. This is a practical programme with everything you need to support your practice and move you forward. You will have tools for life. Now the people who have done this with me in the past have transformed and mentally well-being, the ability to understand themselves and help themselves through these challenges in life. Some have gone on to like to create their own businesses, because they now understand what they want, and they now understand the things that were holding them back.
11:52 They weren’t planted into that one belief, and you will. I understand more about this as we get through the programme, and people have to help their own art and art classes and art businesses. Somebody signed up for that damn school. You know, it’s really raw. Many have completely improved their lives. If you are about to start this programme, make sure you are in the accountability group on Facebook. You have the links and have to send them to you. If you want to look at this and learn more, you want to have a chat roommate. You may want to try one of the meditations you sent me in an email. My email is below, so we can chat about it and then we can get you started as soon as you feel ready. If you feel this is the right fit for you, I look forward to seeing you on the inside and starting our first lesson, called calm the mind, which is all about meditation. I will give you your first meditation to help connect to breathe. In that body, the mind becomes scented, and this wanna practice alone is it just a one. You have thirty more of these kinds of practises that will rarely change your life, because you are changing the quality of your thoughts. You’re changing the quality of your mind, which can help us overcome everything. The one most valuable asset you have in you must rarely go on and look after it unnaturally. Allow it space to grow positively. Is I mind, so protect your mind, protect your energy, and keep learning about ourselves to take care of that and start this journey with you.

Today many of my students have reported improvements in Mental Well-being, Happiness, Focus, Motivation, Drive, Self-esteem, Clarity, a sense of purpose, improvements in anxiety, depression and low mood, better sleep, and ability to relax, feeling more in control. These changes have had a transformational impact on all areas of their life in terms of their health, financial well-being, relations, business, love, self-love, and acceptance, giving more meaning to their life.

Open the modules and resources below to discover the practices and content of the MindHealth Programme:

Module 1: Creating Your Own Unique Miracle Morning

1) Calm The Mind

2) The Power of Gratitude

3) Abundance Vs. Lack Mindset

4) Understand Your Frequency

5) Reading

6) Celebrate Yourself

Module 2: Moving Beyond Our Limitations

7) Noticing Our Grooves

8) Our 2 Brains

9) Rewiring Our Thoughts (Neurological Pathways)

10) Creating Supportive Affirmations

11) Celebrate yourself

Module 3: Vision and Values

12) Your Values

13) Your Vision

14) Decision-Making and Motivation

15) Your Vision Board

16) Visualise Your Future Self

Module 4: Taking Aligned Action

17) Your Masculine and Feminine Energy

18) Signs And Synchronicities

19) Letting Go and Surrendering

20) Ego And Masks

21) Beyond The Comfort Zone

24) Live mentoring sessions, bonus recordings, support group on Facebook

Week 5: Integrate and Shine Your Light

22) Challenges, Tests, and Tools

23) You Always Have a Choice

24) Integration

25) Conscious Living and Co-Creating

26) Love, Gratitude, and Expansion

Additional Weekly Resources

Daily Journal with prompts that support your practice

Daily affirmations relevant to the daily practice

A daily audio version of affirmations

Daily 5 Minutes of Mindfulness Cards

Weekly Live mentoring sessions, bonus recordings, private support group on Facebook Group

Meditations To Support Your Process



I Am

5 minutes of Calm

Letting Go

Higher Self

Sleep Well

Energy Balancing


Positive Thinking

Try this Guided Meditation

Mindfulness practice has a positive impact on our mental wellbeing

For example:

  • It lifts our energy and vibration
  • Changes in our energy state
  • Improves anxiety and depression
  • Organises our mind and create a routine
  • Move us out of fear
  • Helps us stay focused
  • Help us develop a positive attitude towards life and ourselves
  • Help us observe ourselves and the world around us
  • Helps us let go of old thinking patterns
  • Helps us let go of old belief systems that do not serve us
  • Helps us make better choices throughout the day
  • Increases productivity and focus
  • Builds our sense of purpose and motivation
  • It makes us feel happy and content

5 Minutes of Mindful Walking

Pause and go for a walk

Feel the weight on your feet shift as you walk

Notice the texture of the ground on your bare feet

Notice the sounds, the smells, the animals, the weather

Feel the wind or sun on your face

Notice you experiencing your walk

Notice the abundance all around you

Try soothing and empowering affirmations

Student Experience


Pree went on to totally turn her life around, moving to a different location in the UK and finding a new career path at the time. She continues to immerse herself in personal and spiritual growth, shining her light and inspiring children following her passion for movement and dance.


Tiegan now owns and runs her own dance school, which was just a seed in her mind at the start of her personal development journey. She has now found her niche and leads with her authentic self, as she inspires other children to develop new skills and build confidence.


Natasha blew my mind away with her transformation throughout this course. She came to me feeling unsatisfied, not enjoying her current work courses, and was feeling pretty low. But within a couple of weeks of personal development , following this process, she uncovered alot. Natasha started to make some serious changes. Letting go of things that were not serving her, and adopting a totally new attitude, her energy increased, her creativity increased, she feel back in love with her course and dancing, started her beautiful art commissions and began believing in herself again. Now she is teaching, and inspiring others using her passion, skills and big heart.