Chakra Alignment and Energy Healing

Chakra Alignment and Energy Healing


This course will help you understand the subtle body of the basic 7 chakra system. You will learn how to identify if your chakras are overactive or underactive and how to realign yourself from the inside out through personal reflection, meditation and movement, promoting wellbeing and a deeper sense of connectedness and contentment. Understanding your own energetic alignment will help you in guiding others more deeply into their holistic practice of self care and personal development.

SKU: LOP397 ,

This course will help you understand the subtle body of the basic 7 chakra system. You will learn how to identify if your chakras are overactive or underactive and how to realign yourself from the inside out through personal reflection, meditation and movement, promoting wellbeing and a deeper sense of connectedness and contentment. Understanding your own energetic alignment will help you in guiding others more deeply into their holistic practice of self care and personal development.


You will learn about the 7 basic chakra, the koshas, practices to allow your energy to flow more freely through your vortexes and personal enquiry question you can ask and reflect upon relating to each chakra in order to bring about more balance and ese in your life.


You will learn practices to align the following chakras:

  • Introduction to your Chakra and Energy Body
  • Root Chakra and energy healing – “Muladhara” “I Am Grounded”
  • Sacral Chakra and Energy Healing – “Svadhisthana” “I Feel”
  • Solar Plexus and Energy Healing – Manipura “I do”
  • Heart Chakra and Energy Healing – “Anahata” ” I love”
  • Throat Chakra and Energy Healing- Vishuddha ” I Speak”
  • Third Eye Chakra and Energy Healing – Ajna ” I See”
  • Crown Chakra and Energy Healing – Sahasrara “I Am”


This is a guided course with a mentor who will prompt questions and guide you more deeply through practices to heal your energy body and leave you feeling more in control, balance and vibrant.


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