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Build Your Own Miracle Morning Routine With This Free Mini Course

Improve your focus, energy and wellbeing!

Cheryl’s free Miracle Morning Course will teach you how to improve your mental wellbeing by creating healthy morning habits. Starting the day well helps us feel more energised, focused, happy and healthy.

Learn life skills that will finally change your mind and life so that you can start being and feeling your best!

Improve your energy and focus

Cheryl’s courses also offer group sessions, 121 coaching sessions and workshops so that she gets to know each of her students. It’s not just a group chat; it’s you and Cheryl at a personal level. That way, you can figure out exactly how to apply her teachings to your personality and specific goals and needs.

Meeting Cheryl

Free Morning Routine

Here’s what you’ll learn

Discover your inner-self

Knowing who you are is important before you can get where you want. This free Miracle Morning course helps you build discipline by creating a positive mental outlook for the day ahead. You will learn practical tools to focus your mind in your morning routine. Practices include Meditation, Movement, Affirmations, Gratitude, Journaling, Energy Awareness, and Healthy Nutrition.

Free Support Group

You’ll have access to an online support group full of like-minded people. You can ask questions and learn more about applying this knowledge and practice with daily accountability, workshops and live coaching sessions. The course provides clear, actionable items to follow, so you know what to do daily.

1:1 sessions

Cheryl’s free course gives you the foundations for creating positive change in your mind and daily life. If you wish to deepen your personal development journey, you can request a 1:1 session with Cheryl to discover the best next steps and decide if the MindHealth course fits you.

Meet Cheryl

You can begin by getting to know Cheryl, who will also teach you how to learn the best tricks she accumulated throughout her 25+ years of experience as a professional ballerina, director, mentor, yoga coach and mother.


What Clients Say

We value strong relationships greatly and have seen their benefits to our business. Customer feedback is vital in helping us to get it right.


The programme has taught me about myself and given me the tools to help me become much calmer. It’s been an eye-opening journey and allowed me to see myself in various ways.

The tools and methods given in the programme are so powerful that I can always keep coming back and tackling everything. It made me feel invincible. I humbly loved every second of the journey.

Lauren Leibscher

I was constantly pulling myself down and talking negatively to myself. Now I have the tools to acknowledge my negative self-talk and hit it on the head with meditation, gratitude, and an abundance mindset.

Teigan Leibscher, dancer and teacher.

I am so glad I started this programme to help myself. I knew I had to take care of myself, but I didn’t know how. The tools are helping me, and I have learned a lot from this programme. It’s been a rewarding experience for me.

Natalie, dancer, teacher and business owner

Meditation has also been a massive part of my life ever since, and it has saved me during dark moments. I would not have been aware of this tool without Cheryl and how much the benefits change and help you. ✨

Preenon Brahman, dancer and teacher

Cheryl is a wonderful mentor both in class and as a friend. Her humble approach to life has been inspiring and has helped me massively through some problematic parts of my life. Without the tools that Cheryl has given me, I don’t think my life would have Skype rocketed in the most productive way possible. I am forever grateful for Cheryl and the help that she has given me. xoxo

Amy Kempson, dancer, teacher and creative